A reconstructed interior of a Roman bedroom, decorated with wall paintings

Stage 2: in villā

Caecilius' house is alive with activity - a business acquaintance is coming to dinner and Caecilius is hoping to impress him. Will the evening go smoothly or will it end in disaster? A lot depends upon the food – Grumio has been ordered to serve up a meal fit for a Roman banquet!

Language activities


Sorting Words asks you to drag and drop words to sort them by meaning, case, etc.

Words Endings gives you a sentence in English together with the same sentence in Latin, but with one or more endings to be chosen from a drop down list.

Vocab Testers are against the clock, multiple choice or type in, and can be set to all words in this stage, up to this stage, etc.

Reviewing the Language exercises are digital versions of exercises towards the back of the CLC textbooks.