Stage 23: haruspex

Togidubnus is looking for a cure for his illness, but something quite different has been planned for him. Memor, an accomplice in the assassination attempt, must now act in his capacity as haruspex- a soothsayer. What will the omens say, and will he warn Togidubnus of the murderous plot against him? An ornate cup, some delicious wine and an unexpected letter await the king at the sacred fountain.

Language activities


Sorting Words asks you to drag and drop words to sort them by meaning, case, etc.

Words Endings gives you a sentence in English together with the same sentence in Latin, but with one or more endings to be chosen from a drop down list.

Vocab Testers are against the clock, multiple choice or type in, and can be set to all words in this stage, up to this stage, etc.

Reviewing the Language exercises are digital versions of exercises towards the back of the CLC textbooks.