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Book III
Teacher's Guide
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Book I
Student book
Stage 1
- Caecilius
Stage 2
- in villā
Stage 3
- negotium
Stage 4
- in forō
Stage 5
- in theatrō
Stage 6
- Fēlīx
Stage 7
- cēna
Stage 8
- gladiātōrēs
Stage 9
- thermae
Stage 10
- rhētor
Stage 11
- candidātī
Stage 12
- Vesuvius
Language tools
Vocab Tester
Reviewing the Language
Teacher's guide
Stage 1
Stage 2
Book II
Student book
Stage 13
- in Britanniā
Stage 14
- apud Salvium
Stage 15
- rēx Togidubnus
Stage 16
- in aulā
Stage 17
- Alexandrīa
Stage 18
- Eutychus et Clēmēns
Stage 19
- Īsis
Stage 20
- medicus
Language tools
Vocab Tester
Reviewing the Language
Teacher's guide
Stage 13
Stage 14
Book III
Student book
Stage 21
- Aquae Sūlis
Stage 22
- dēfīxiō
Stage 23
- haruspex
Stage 24
- fuga
Stage 25
- mīlitēs
Stage 26
- Agricola
Stage 27
- extrā mūrōs
Stage 28
- imperium
Language tools
Vocab Tester
Reviewing the Language
Teacher's guide
Teacher's Guide
Vocabulary checklists
Book III vocabulary checklists (.pdf)
Book III vocabulary checklists (.docx)