Is there a doctor in the house? Barbillus is critically wounded and the house is full of different ideas on how to save him. Will he pull through?
Story Explorers display the stories of the CLC in an interactive format, allowing you to check vocabulary, grammar parsing and derivations.
Barbillus is brought home and the household swings into action. Luckily there are professionals on hand.
Thrasyllus and Petro are hard at work using all their skills to save Barbillus. Will it be enough?
Barbillus opens up about his family, including his son Rufus.
Tragedy strikes.
Fate can be fickle. It’s time to say goodbye.
Quintus is given a long letter and an important mission.
What surprises await in Barbillus’ final words?
Sorting Words asks you to drag and drop words to sort them by meaning, case, etc.
Words Endings gives you a sentence in English together with the same sentence in Latin, but with one or more endings to be chosen from a drop down list.
Vocab Testers are against the clock, multiple choice or type in, and can be set to all words in this stage, up to this stage, etc.
Reviewing the Language exercises are digital versions of exercises towards the back of the CLC textbooks.